


The command line utility of Qitmeer and Qitmeer-wallet.

Configuration file config.toml will be made automatically

download or build

you can download the compiled binary version.


if you have go environment,you can also build it by yourself.

git clone https://github.com/Qitmeer/qitmeer-cli.git

cd qitmeer-cli

go build

Command list

qitmeer-cli [command]

block Commands:
	getBlockCount        getBlockCount; count all synchronous blocks
	getBlockHash         getBlockHash {number}; get block hash by number
	getBlock             getBlock {number|hash} [verbose]; verbose: defalut true,show block detail,get block by number or hash
	getBlockHashByRange  getBlockHashByRange {start} {end};Return the hash range of block from 'start' to 'end'(exclude self)
	getBlockByOrder      getBlockByOrder {order} {fullTx}
	getBestBlockHash     getBestBlockHash
	getBlockHeader       getBlockHeader {number|hash} [verbose];verbose:bool,show detail,defalut true; get block by number or hash
	isOnMainChain        isOnMainChain {hash}; query whether a given block is on the main chain
	getMainChainHeight   getMainChainHeight
	getBlockWeight       getBlockWeight

blockChain Commands:
	createRawTransaction createRawTx {inTxid:vout}... {toAddr:amount}... {lockTime},crate raw transaction
	getRawTransaction    getRawTransaction {tx_hash} [verbose]; verbose: bool,show detail,defalut true
	decodeRawTransaction decodeRawTransaction {raw_tx}
	sendRawTransaction   sendRawTransaction {sign_raw_tx} {allow_high_fee}; allow_high_fee: default false; send sing_raw_tx to network
	txSign               txSign {private_key} {raw_tx}; sign rawTx
	getUtxo              getUtxo {tx_hash} {vout} [include_mempool]; vout:index of the output; include_mempool: default=true,include the mempool , get information about an unspent transaction output
	getNodeInfo          getNodeInfo
	getPeerInfo          getPeerInfo

mempool Commands:
	getMempool           getMempool [type] [verbose]; type: defalut regular; verbose: bool ; get mempool info

miner Commands:
	generate             generate {number}, cpu mine {number} blocks
	getBlockTemplate     getBlockTemplate; get new block work to mine
	submitBlock          submitBlock {blockHex}; broadcast mine block to network

      --cert string        RPC server certificate file path
  -c, --config string      config file path (default "cli.toml")
      --debug              debug print log
      --format             print json format
  -h, --help               help for qitmeer-cli
      --notls              Do not verify tls certificates (not recommended!) (default true)
  -P, --password string    RPC password
      --proxy string       Connect via SOCKS5 proxy (eg.
      --proxypass string   Password for proxy server
      --proxyuser string   Username for proxy server
  -s, --server string      RPC server to connect to (default "")
      --skipverify         Do not verify tls certificates (not recommended!) (default true)
      --timeout string     rpc timeout,s:second h:hour m:minute (default "30s")
  -u, --user string        RPC username

Use "qitmeer-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  -h, --help   help for qitmeer-cli


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