

Returns information about a block given its hash.


  1. hash: (string) the hash of the block.
  2. verbose: (boolean, optional, default=false) specifies the block is returned as a JSON object instead of hex-encoded string.
  3. inclTx: (boolean, optional, default=true) whether or not include transactions.
  4. fullTx: (boolean, optional, default=true) specifies that each transaction is returned as a JSON object .


(object,inclTx=false) not show
  • hash, confirmations, version, parentsroot, difficulty, pow

  • weight: (numeric) the weight of the block.

  • height: (numeric) the height of the block in the block DAG.

  • order: (numeric) the global order of the block.

  • bits: (numeric) the bits which represent the block difficulty.

  • timestamp: (string) block created time (ISO 8601 format).

  • parents: (string) blocks that are referenced from this block

  • children: (string) blocks that reference to this block

(object, inclTx=true, fullTx=false) show hash list of transactions
  • all fields with inclTx=false
  • transactions: (array of string) transaction hashes
(object, inclTx=true, fullTx=true) transaction details
  • all fields with inclTx=false
  • transactions: (array of object) transaction object
    • hex: (string) hex-encoded transaction / hex-encoded bytes of the script.
    • txid: (string) the hash of the transaction WITHOUT signature.
    • txhash: (string) the hash of the transaction WITH signature.
    • size: (numeric) transaction size.
    • version: (enum) transaction version.
      • 1 coinbase transaction
      • 2 ordinary transaction
    • locktime: (numeric) the transaction lock time, cannot be spent before lock time.
    • expire: (numeric) expired block height, tx cannot be spent after it.
    • vin: (array of json objects) the transaction inputs as json objects.
      • coinbase: (string) the hex-encoded bytes of the signature script.
      • sequence: (numeric) the script sequence number.
    • vout: (array of json objects) the transaction outputs as json objects.
      • amount: (numeric) the value in QIT.
      • scriptPubKey: (json object) the public key script used to pay coins.
        • asm: (string) disassembly of the script.
        • hex: (string) hex-encoded bytes of the script.
        • reqSigs: (numeric) the number of required signatures.
        • type: (string) the type of the script (e.g. ‘pubkeyhash’).
        • addresses: (json array of string) the addresses associated with this output.


 curl --data '{"method":"getBlock","params":["11dbd3e6202f41eba102277bdb65adff82899219a870295ed8424b7c035af0f3", true, true, false],"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1}' -s -k -u "rpcuser:rpcpass"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' |jq .
 "hash": "11dbd3e6202f41eba102277bdb65adff82899219a870295ed8424b7c035af0f3",
 "txsvalid": true,
 "confirmations": 31785,
 "version": 11,
 "weight": 474,
 "height": 1,
 "txRoot": "7b73360b8099c1c4e91ab63ee71210202a802592491a90f0fd5c1275a5556d3d",
 "order": 1,
 "transactions": [
     "hex": "010000000152868a9025d93bfa3948f8396c4779f735dcae7940d9e648555349c854c85cf8ffffffffffffffff01007841cb020000001976a9143be2e1e7eaffe6ee4c90d5db043576df7f2e174b88ac00000000000000000144510852fdfc072182654d1430353537373030363739313934373737393431302465316438316561652d313263662d343932302d623735312d323833383336616333306265",
     "txid": "7b73360b8099c1c4e91ab63ee71210202a802592491a90f0fd5c1275a5556d3d",
     "txhash": "e67a6d03533120d6fb280620caadcf3a47dee028d8ede9dbb6eef91b06bb336d",
     "size": 158,
     "version": 1,
     "locktime": 0,
     "expire": 0,
     "vin": [
         "coinbase": "510852fdfc072182654d1430353537373030363739313934373737393431302465316438316561652d313263662d343932302d623735312d323833383336616333306265",
         "sequence": 4294967295
     "vout": [
         "amount": 12000000000,
         "scriptPubKey": {
           "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 3be2e1e7eaffe6ee4c90d5db043576df7f2e174b OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
           "hex": "76a9143be2e1e7eaffe6ee4c90d5db043576df7f2e174b88ac",
           "reqSigs": 1,
           "type": "pubkeyhash",
           "addresses": [
     "blockhash": "11dbd3e6202f41eba102277bdb65adff82899219a870295ed8424b7c035af0f3",
     "confirmations": 31785
 "stateRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
 "bits": "2018000",
 "difficulty": 33652736,
 "pow": {
   "pow_name": "cuckaroo",
   "pow_type": 1,
   "nonce": 526,
   "proof_data": {
     "edge_bits": 24,
     "circle_nonces": "7a8e09004e040a00f6850e00582a1200d96613006fc91a000ca11c00f78124001b613600c266370037ef430073915000bbf85500b0795600691e5d00c7b35f0048bc670048897c00c50a7d006f22820038029100f4819a005864a6000aa9a600b5f0aa008169b200d1b4bb004cbfc100a32ac3001d6ac70045a1c900a95ecc002e55d70077ffd800a451d9007b38db00ab79e100dc14e600c5b6e9000efff0006821fa007650fb00"
 "timestamp": "2019-12-30T15:55:42+08:00",
 "parentroot": "caf26cf7705c0917bfb157150ab29f196465daf83c8ac1c82553aa9f207bd584",
 "parents": [
 "children": [
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